Nature based solutions | Ecopil
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Imparted by:

  • Access to a computer with internet connection, microphone and camera.

  • Have an email registered on the platform (Zoom).

  • Availability to attend classes with established schedule.

  • Before making the payment, you need to pre-register. Once the pre-registration has been made and confirmed, you must proceed with the payment.

  • Make the payment in a timely manner.

  • Duration: 40 hours.

  • Cost: 200 USD

  • Language: Spanish

  • Dynamics of the course: Participants will be sent a series of articles to be read prior to teaching.

  • A minimum of 30 registered students is required to open the course, space is limited to 50 participants.

  • Includes proof with curricular value endorsed by the 3 organizations.

  • To be entitled to the passing certificate, the student must comply with the activities scheduled during the course and with 80% attendance.


Nature-based solutions (NBS) have been defined as "living solutions supported by natural processes and structures that are designed to address various environmental challenges while providing multiple benefits to the economy, society, and ecological systems."


NBS are receiving increasing attention as actions to address climate challenges by taking advantage of ecological processes and sustainable and resilient planning, since they integrate natural characteristics and processes into cities, through systemic and efficient interventions in the use of the resources.


In this course we will develop a comprehensive syllabus that addresses the circular economy, coastal zone management, waste management and integrated risk management.


That attendees acquire the skills and knowledge to generate new strategies that allow the implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NBS), promoting sustainable development in their environment and community.


  • That the student acquires and puts into practice the knowledge and skills acquired on the (SBN), such as the circular economy, the integral management of coastal zones, waste management and the integrated management of risks, in the face of the advance of climate change.


  • That the participants can incorporate the NBS as a tool within their initiatives or future projects.

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  • College graduates.

  • Public officials at the local, regional or national level.

  • Members of NGOs and civil society.

  • Consultants, professionals and / or technical personnel from the forestry, agricultural, tourism, health, furniture / architectural branches, among others.

  • Professional students of environmental and related careers.

  • Researchers and academics.

  • Socially responsible companies and impact investors.

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2.- Circular economy and integrated waste management.

• Introduction to circular economy (Differences between linear and circular economy)

• Life cycle analysis

•Integral management of residues

• Implementation cycle: Climate risk analysis, design and selection of measures, implementation of measures, monitoring and evaluation.

•Success stories

• Dr. Christian Tovilla (Colegio de la Frontera Sur)

3.- Comprehensive coastal zone management with examples of mangrove and blue carbon restoration.

• Historical, economic, social and ecological importance of the coastal zone

• Coasts are valuable ecosystems subject to very intense use and management.

• Natural regeneration and restoration of the mangrove

• Mangroves as a carbon reserve

•Success stories

Introducción inicial:

40 minutos


Mesa redonda (Panel de expertos)

-Dr. Jorge Ruiz   Ordoñez 

-Dr. Cristian Tovilla

-M. en C. Carlos Antonio González Palma

-Biól. Luis Alain Zúñiga Hernández

-Ponentes invitados (TBA)

Transmisión en vivo

4.- Integrated management for disaster risk reduction based on Ecosystems.

• Background and conceptual bases.

• Linkage with other approaches (particularly EbA).

• Resources, platforms, networks and tools.

• Opportunities to implement, finance and scale the Eco-RR.

•Success stories.

• Dr. Jorge Ruíz (Wetlands International)

5.- Gestión integrada de riesgos

  • Identificación y cuantificación de riesgos para el desarrollo de estrategias de mitigación.

•Dr. Jorge Ruíz (Wetlands International)

6.- Desarrollo de comunidades y ciudades resilientes

  • Intervenciones duraderas y de alto impacto en áreas naturales.

  • Involucramiento de comunidades, desarrollo de capacidades y apoyo a sus medios de vida.

  • Adaptación basada en ecosistemas.

•Dr. Jorge Ruíz (Wetlands International)

7.- Economía y costos de la restauración ambiental

*Lecturas adicionales

  • Gestión de recursos económicos

  • Costos y cotizaciones

  • Estudios de caso

•Dr. Christian Tovilla (Colegio de la Frontera Sur)

•Dr. Jorge Ruíz (Wetlands International)



1.- What are SbN?

• Conceptual bases - Introduction

• Baseline studies

• Uses and approaches of NBS with rural, urban and natural space application

• Cross-cutting themes for effective and sustainable NBS: social and gender equity, interculturality, good governance, costs.

• Resources and tools

• Examples of NBS (Success stories)

• Andres Fraiz (Wetlands International)

• Luis Zúñiga (Ecopil Arte Crea Conciencia AC)


• Dr. Christian Tovilla (Colegio de la Frontera Sur)

Dr. Jorge Ruíz

(Wetlands International)

• Andres Fraiz (Wetlands International)

• Luis Zúñiga (Ecopil Arte Crea Conciencia AC)

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